• PTB Ch.21 – Let Me Out!

    [Wow, big plot twist!] [What happened? I was away in the bathroom. Can someone fill me in?] [Brother Long is incredible! He’s so dominant!] [Amazing! No other words can describe it, just amazing!] [Midnight Dharma God is quitting.] [Lanyu is in trouble, losing such a big streamer’s account.] The room was alive with comments, flooding… Continue reading

  • PTB Ch.20 – Don’t Speak of Honor

    A sharpshooter was struck by a gravel stone the size of a palm, deducting 25 points from their health bar. “Haha, don’t worry about those small rocks, they don’t do much damage,” someone jeered. But their laughter was abruptly cut off as a massive boulder weighing half a ton came crashing down, smashing the sharpshooter… Continue reading

  • PTB Ch.19 – Life Is Like a Play, It All Depends on Acting

    Arrows rained down one after another. Since the dragon was flying too high and spellcasters couldn’t hit at that range, they could only watch. Dragon’s Breath! Arrow Rain! Dragon’s Breath! Arrow Rain! The two sides went back and forth. The battle was fierce, but with no skill involved whatsoever. The viewers in front of their… Continue reading

  • PTB Ch.18 – Computer-Controlled BOSS

    The adventurers entered the cave with torches. Longmian Cave was incredibly vast, with a towering dome resembling a dark sky. Volcanic gems and crystals adorned the walls, casting a dreamy and enchanting glow, creating a stunning underground world. The cave was shrouded in pitch-black darkness, with only a faint red glow reflecting off the lava… Continue reading

  • PTB Ch.17 – Here They Come

    As the skeletons rushed towards him, Midnight Dharma God blasted them with a powerful fireball. Though his magic was strong, it proved ineffective against the skeletons’ ability to regenerate. An adventurer cried, “It’s useless, these things can’t be killed, but as long as you kill the boss these mobs should disappear naturally.” Midnight Dharma God… Continue reading

  • PTB Ch.16 – Caught in a Difficult Fight

    Murphy gazed upon the colossal skeletal dragon depicted in the orb, a pleasant surprise beaming across his face. Judging from its size alone, the beast was already the same size as him. With a mere two steps separating its boss level from his own, perhaps it could slay the raiders. Meanwhile, all the adventurers surrounding… Continue reading

  • PTB Ch.15 – Santazak Walks Into Death

    “This one should be easy.” Looking at Dawn Excalibur who was wiping the blood on his sword with the ogre’s corpse, Midnight Dharma God suddenly spoke quietly. “Oh, so confident? Just because the first two bosses went well?” “Of course not. It’s really unexpected that the first two bosses were so easy. I thought it… Continue reading

  • PTB Ch.14 – Interval

    The lounge outside the live broadcast room was filled to capacity, with two live broadcasts being shown simultaneously on the large screen. One was a broadcast of the Black Dragon Lord Murphys, which was mostly static. The black dragon was shown staring at a large crystal ball, not moving and leaving viewers wondering what he… Continue reading

  • PTB Ch.13 – Brother Long is Doing Well

    Guarding the Obsidian Hall was the fearsome Dragonblood Ogre Mage, Duriel, the second boss. Murphy had initially underestimated the ogre’s prowess, but he soon realized the wizard’s devastating lightning storm could inflict substantial damage, weakening the enemy’s forces and reducing the pressure on their team. Suddenly, a system prompt announced Duriel’s chosen combat strategy: “Cluster… Continue reading

  • PTB Ch.12 – Who’s the BOSS?

    Despite their high resistance to fire, the dragonmen were quickly engulfed and burned to ashes by the Fire Storm. After more than ten seconds, only a handful of dragonmen remained, each with only a sliver of health left. Murphy was left dumbfounded. How could this be possible? The mobs in the group had attribute boosts… Continue reading

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